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Simple remedies for cold and cough

As this is the winter season and weather keeps fluctuating comman cold and fever are the more commanest ailments what most of us suffer from.So my todays topic of discussion is comman cold.

Most commonest causes for cold coughare:-
-Change or fluctuation in weather conditions which in turn results or favours growth of various varities of virusus.
-Viral infections of throat
-exposure to too cold climate
-sudden exposure to cold then entering a well heated rooms or so
-Change or drinking water which is supposed to be most comman cause
-excessive consuption of frosen or chilled food articles
-exposure to dust and pollans
-working late nights
-exessive exposure with people who are already infected with cold
-here the problems are more because of poor ventilation and extreemes of climate
-staying in an room were there is poor air circulation ,or in a room with heaters or Air conditioner on for whole day
So thus the list goes on.

1.Daily intake of rejuvinating tonics which also enhances the immunity of the body and strengthens it from the core like chyavan prash leham,khushmanda Leham,Ashvagandha avaleham,swamala compound etc depanding on the body constituents can help to inbuilt the immunity within our body and prevent us from most of the diseases.

2.Practising breathing exercises like pranayama sudarshana kriya etc will make our respiratory system strong and prevent us from getting any respiratory illness.

3.There are certain yogas which also gives desired effect.

4.One who suffer from cold and cough very often there is a simple procedure for this.Early morning just immediatly after getting up from bed, gargle your mouth and give a quick rinse and the drink about 1.5-2 litres of water till you feel totally full,then kindle your throat with a finger ,just by tickling with your clean hands and vomit out the entire water till you feel the sourness in your mouth.This will help to expell out the sputum and other debries.This also helps in acidity problems also.


When you have cough and there is severe conjestion and feel difficult to breath ,take a hot vapour of water with ecalyptus oil ,or any vapouriser added to boiling water and take a steam for about 100 coulnt.This will dialate the bronchus and the blocks in the nose.Helps in nasal conjestions too.

6.Simple vapour with only water daily is helpful in sinusitis also.This must be done regularly before going to be .This also relieves head ache and helps to relax.Its even good for skin.It cleanses the pores and removes the debries form the skin pores.Hence helps the skin to breath.Helps in achne problems too..

7.Water with hand full of rock salt should be used to take vapours in severe cough or mild could and heavyness in the head.

8.A concentrated decoction out of peppercorns with cumin and jaggery also helps to expell out all the sputun and gives a pleasent feeling when there is productive cough and thick cough comming out.


Juice of beetle leaf must be extracted about 2 tsp to it add 1 tsp of honey mix well and give daily twice after 30 mins after food in case of cough.Helps a lot and should be done for 4-5 days atleast.


Finely minced ginger mixed with llittle honey is really a good remedy in case of sevre night times cough.


A quater of fresh onion chewed with a piece of jaggery kept in middle helps to relieve the chest congestion and helps in removing the sputum easily.Thus is a good cure for cough.

12.Cane sugar itself is a good medicine for dry cough which troubles a lot during night times.


Just keeping a clove in your toung also helps in dry cough.


Tulsi leaves about 6-8 leaves also helps in cough and cold.


Dhooma paan that is the smoke of turmeric has an antiseptic action in case of cold and cough.Burn a dried root of turmeric and inhale the smoke for about 5-6 times.This relieves the congestion.It can also be done in another way.Take a small mud vessel and place a cup of water below.Then add red hot charcoal to the clay or mud vessel and add little dried leaves to it.Then heap up a spoon full of turmeric cover it and give a gentle blow so that it catches fire then inhale it.This will act as a good antiseptic to your lungs and respiratory tract.

16.Dhouthi and nethi are the 2 procedures of yoga which are very beneficial.


USHA said…
Hi Soumya,

Wonderfull!!!!really very useful post for all of us.I got good remedy for dry cough,sometimes when my hubby suffer,i am helpness.Now i got it from you.

Actually i came to your blog to keep a request for new post in this blog, to my surprise you have already done it..
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
Hi Usha,
Thanks dear.I always find your comments encouraging.Thanks a lot.Will love to post your request any time.
People fall sick and then seek for remedies on the other hand I want to fall sick just for the sake of remedies written by you.
Anonymous said…
Fabulous post!
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
Hi Harekrishnaji,
Thanks a lot for a lovely compliment.
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
HEllo Shailaja,
Thanks dear.happy that you guys find it useful na.That good.
Viji said…
Dear Soumya, thanks for your wishes. I went through your articles about secrets of fruits. Very informative. I consume lots of fruits and always curious to read about the facts. Thanks for the valuable info. Next is your simple remedies for cold and cough. Very handy to have this as this is the season for cold and cough. Very interesting to see that we can cure with our natural products instead of going to antibiotics which is of no use in curing Viral infection. Tks Soumya for the wonderful info. Viji
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
Hey Viji,
Thanks to you too to follow my blog regularly.Very happy to read your commnets
Seema Bhat said…
How could I miss this post of yours. I will try all of your remedies for cold and cough becoz seems like both of them are just not ready to leave me. Good job gal!!!!
for your kind consideration
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
Hey akka,Then you must check this out and tell me how helpful it was
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
Hello hare krishna ji.Will surely see this.Thanks
You are ignoring this blog completly no new posts ?
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
Hello hare krishnaji,
Actually i was working on maany posts ....Sorry for the delay will try to post early and new informations.Many will be posted very soon..thanks for the consern
Unknown said…
Liked all the remedies and your blog :) very very useful info which I was looking for....continue this good work :)
am also adding u to my blogroll
sharmuki said…

I am new to blogging. Ayurvedic medicine was my flair and it still is. I never got a placement to be a BAMS like you.

What is panchakarma? Can these be done at home. Any special course to taken?
Anonymous said…
hello dr.soumya,

very nice to see u sharing such valuable and useful information with us. i have been trying the remedies for dandruff sugggested by u.can u give me some useful remedies for cracked feet.i have been using creams but of no use.ur guidance will help me.
Tasneem said…
Dear Soumya,
I'm worried to see that my right big toe has become dark and dull as if it is dead, without any earlier injury - is it fungal or sign of deeper disfunctioning?
Often, esp. when I have gas or bloating I feel pinching pain in the nail bed. I eat s ind. veg food no diet - have 3 -4 glasses of tea, take no supplements. I have GERD and am allergic to red chillies, coriander, turmeric, onion garlic, milk, chick peas, eggplant, tomato and groundnuts, but I have been eating everything. I usually have 2 pieces of chocolate daily. i dont drink any milk.
Tasneem said…
PS I forgot to add, white rice at night gives me gas and I have some large raised reddish ulcers, deep inside at the back of my tongue, closer to the throat opening. But they don't give me any trouble - though I guess they are a sign that all is not well with me.
Dr. Soumya Bhat said…
This indicates that You are not compatible to white rice.It cuases ushna to your body.There are many other causes which show similar symptos.So would like to know more about this.
Anonymous said…
Hey Doc,
I had a cold start last friday. It started as a runny nose and sinus infection. In the morning I would spit out lots of green mucus. My sinuses were clogged up. On Sunday I put some garlic oil in my nose and it cleared everything up great. But the next morning I woke up with the same thing in my chest. I cant stop coughing at night when I lay down and the stuff is yellowish greenish phlegm. My dosha is mainly Kapha with a litle vata. Seems like greenish yellow phlegm in the chest is pitta. I have been using Vasant Lad's Home remedy book but im not sure if it is clearing it out. I usually have one cup of triphala tea a day but have increased it to 2 the lat 2 days. Any suggstions to get this out of my system as soon as possible? I tried number 4 this morning(drinking water and vomiting up) but am still coughing up a little green stuff. Thanks

Jeremy Wills, D.C.
Anonymous said…
Hi soumya,
You have given really good remedies for common ailments.I am happy to have found this website.

Hi Soumya,
I am Neethu.came to know about your blog while have given tips about gaining weight but not about loosing weight:).Can you please give some tips on this?

Anonymous said…
Hi Soumya,

Nice to see your articles, which are very usefull for us. can you please post some thing on Headache.
Headache remedies. I get headache when i take headbath, for tension, if i visit crowded places,noisy places, if i doesn't take food at right time, lot of things induce headache allmost three time a week i get headache. Took lot of medicines, no use. Can you please post some article on headache instant remediesa and long term remedies.

Anonymous said…
hello dr.soumya,

Very helpful article , hope this year cold will not trouble me.
Anonymous said…
Hello doctor,

This is a very well laid out web site. Thank you for the great indight you have provided with simple herbs and everyday vegetables/fruits.

Wondering why you haven't posted any for weight loss.

also I am interested in ADHD diet and PCOS syndrome..

Thank you very much.

Food Fairy said…
Hi Soumya,

I have been viviting ur blog regularly for updates..Kindly continue updating with various ayurvedic practices for a healthy living.

shakti said…
hi soumya,
I shakti fro india(Pune)
Will u pls help me as from last 2 months i am facing problem,as pimpils & pigmintation on my face.I dnt like my face.
please help me in this regards.
AParna said…
Hi Usha,

What a bless to find these remedies posted by you. I have 2 little ones 5 and 2 , frequently catching colds and cough. for the older one when he gets cough he constantly coughs for 3 days and it subsides. but this is happening frequently. Any remedies please...
Appreciate all that you do.
Among the many reasons for contacting cough and cold, when there is improper digestion, the food transforms into a mucus toxin and this circulates through the body and reaches the respiratory system, where it causes coughs and colds.
Kuldeep said…
Hi, I want to ask about a problem related to cough and cold, the problem is with my niece (11 years old) for last 4 years.
He has the problem of cough during the whole year (including summers too).
What can be the remedy please suggest.
The condition becomes worse during winter days. Esp. breathing disorder occurs he inhales (ESIFLO 250) when the condition is worse.
Please reply asap.
Anonymous said…
hi, i get common cold very often whether its winter or summer, when i take tablet it wil go.. what are the remedies to prevent it...
Sushma Ribeiro said…
Hi saumya.

My husband had loose motions for 4 days.On day 3 I read about the dried pomegranate to boil in water.On day 4 when we went to the doc Ayurvedic Of course and she said that you are on the right line of treatment and by evening day 4 my husband was perfectly fine thanks a ton.Very useful blog.God Bless you
Sushma Ribeiro Mumbai

I am happy to say that treatment procedures mentioned by you for cold and cough are very effective and comprises of simplified procedures.
Thank you very much for your useful suggestions.

Kind Regards,
Jagadeesan P.
JRA, GVK Biosciences, Chennai
Unknown said…
Dear Soumya,

I am new user of your blog, I found some really usefull,mind blowing,finger tip medicines,easilly availale remedies. I recomended to my family members and used all the prescribed methods to cure cold and cough.
Anonymous said…
Dear Dr.Soumya,Could you post a page with complete info regd hyper acidity.Not able to get rid of it.with medication even ayurvedic get some relief for few days,then it recurrs.Basically non vegetarian.Plz tell me what to eat what not to?what to avoid and what I should not eat for ever.Is there any permanant solution?I suffer frm either burning sensation or headache or giddiness with weakness.Plz help
Anonymous said…
Very Very useful & simple methods to get rid of cough & cold.
embedded said…
Hi Soumya Bhat,

I am 29 years old , I am suffering from continous cold. Its like one day i will be fine , other day starts coughing , I took lot of medicine , but of no use , I still suffer with cough. If I take something cold , cough starts. After cough , i get small amount of mucous , sometimes I get colorless jelly like(bit hard) ,sometimes yellowish.
Could you please suggest some suitable ayurvedic remedy.It would be very helpful.
Unknown said…

My mom is 54yrs old, she is having diabetes & bp. she is mentally weak from many days & suffering from cold & she cant sleep in piece. so please give me solution of it 9892826699.

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