This is one of the comman complaint what most of the people face in present days.There are many causes for this problem of stones.There are various varities of stones.They may be uric acid crystals,calcium oxalate crystals,Cystine stones and many more varities of stones.The problem of urinary calculi is more comman in males than in females.The ratio is 3:1. Sizes:- _______ The urinary stones are of different sizes and shapes.They may be samll as sand or large as a marble.They may have smooth surface or a cutting edge and rough.The small stones of the size of about-4-5 cmm pass of easily and requires no medication.They may even remain unidentified of a long time.But those larger and with irregular surface often causses pain when they dislocate from its position ,and when thrown out of the body. Causes and measures for thier prevention: _____________________________________________ -First and most comman cause is reduced intake of water.Most of us do not take enough amount of water.An he...
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