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Showing posts from January 2, 2007

Veggie Secrets

Today i will write some secrets about the vegetables.These vegetables not only satisfy our hunger but are also rich sources of vitamins ,various minerals and Salts.Adding to it in Ayurveda we say there is not plant which has no medicinal values.Similarly the todays topic.Here i will be saying the medicinal properties of various vegetables and fruits. 1.Ginger: __________ Botanical name:-Zingiber officinale -Helps in cough -good medicine for indigetion -helps in abdominal distention and gas problems -helps to liquify the solid sputum[flem] -Good for comman cold -Increases appitite and taste senstion -Good if taken during fever. -tea out of ginger root prevents morning sickness in pregnant woman,It also helps in heart burn in pregnants -when chewed raw prevents the onset of motion sickness -Produce execcive perspiration.Hence helps in fever condition to regulate and check the body temperature from rising 2.Garlic:[ Botanical name-Allium sativum; Family -Liliaceae] ________ - Kills choles...