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Showing posts from January 8, 2007


Sinusitis is the most comman problem what most of the people of thiois genetration suffer from.SO i thought of writting about this comman problem today. Sinus defination:- --------------- Sinuses are nothing but an empty space or a cavity in general.Sinus what we commanly use related to headaches are the cavities in the facial bones . Sinuistis: --------- Now what is sinusitis? Itis = any infectious condition is reperesented as itis Sinusitis is the condition where in these airpockects are infected and get inflammed causing pain in that perticular area. Generally they will show positional head aches.Which means just when you change the position i.e even if you bend your head the headaches aggravates or flares up. Description: ---------- Sinus can be simply described as small aircavities or pockets with a duct and a opening into nasal cavities. Basically they are paired.There are four pairs of sinuses in the bones of teh face. 1) Frontal Sinus: -------------- -Located just below the ey...